So, I've started a new "healthy-eating" track in an attempt to get in better shape and improve my overall lifestyle. But, I decided that's NOT going to stop me from making delicious food that's healthy too! Hey, it's possible! And this fish proves it! I got the original idea from Pinterest for a similar recipe (original recipe can be found here on The Fit Cook's blog). I adapted it a little bit, but it's very similar. Instead of all the spices she lists, I used Cavender's Greek seasoning, ground cumin, salt, paprika, and lime juice. Topped it with some store bought Tzatziki (Greek yogurt with dill and cucumbers...if you've never had this stuff you're missing out! I ate it on everything when I was in Greece!). I bought mine at Publix in the deli section where the Hummus is located. Now, I will note, I don't exactly use true measurements when I cook (different story when I bake though!). So, my measurements consist of "a little of this", "a lot of that", "a dash of this", "a pinch of that" until it looks and smells right. I realize that's AWFUL for giving recipes to people, so I will try my best to guess-timate how much I used of everything! The original recipe had you broil the salmon, but I opted for grilling it in my grill pan instead. The result was moist, yummy goodness! Granted, since the fish wasn't evenly cut, I had to cook it longer than expected. It took about 10-12 minutes for it to cook all the way through on the thickest part. Even so, it still was cooked perfectly even on the thin parts, just more crispy (which I love!). It's quick, it's easy, and it's YUMMY! If you're trying to eat healthier (or just want a delicious, quick meal), I'd highly recommend giving this a try! I will DEFINITELY be making it again!
Grilled Greek Salmon with Tzatziki
Serves: 1
- 1 piece of Salmon
- Extra-Virgin Olive Oil (enough to coat the fish lightly)
- Cavender's All-Purpose Greek Seasoning (enough to coat the top- approximately 1/2 Tablespoon)
- Ground cumin (approximately 1-2 teaspoons)
- Dash of Paprika (approximately 1/2 teaspoon)
- Pinch of kosher salt (approximately 1/2 teaspoon)
- Dash of garlic powder (approximately 1 teaspoon)
- Juice from half of fresh lime
- 2 tablespoons Tzatziki (store bought or you can make your own if you prefer)
Heat grill pan (or grill) over medium heat.
Coat salmon lightly in olive oil. Sprinkle on all seasonings and squeeze half of the lime juice on top of fish.
Place fish in grill pan (or on grill) skin side down. Grill for 8-12 minutes, depending on thickness of fish, until cooked all the way through. I flipped mine once, but that's probably not necessary. Squeeze on a quarter more of the lime juice when there's about 2 minutes left. My fish skin also stuck to the pan (even though it had oil on it), but don't worry if yours does too. The fish itself cooks fine still and didn't fall apart. It was still cooked all the way, I just didn't have to deal with eating around the skin on the bottom!
When cooked all the way through, transfer to a plate. Top fish with the rest of the lime juice and Tzatziki. I served mine with a salad and had snacked on some hummus with cucumber slices before.
Bon Appetit!

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